Proximity, Experience and Innovation

Excellent Products.

Relationships of trust.

Our commitment...

Our commitment is to present a diverse range of excellent products and services, supported by a specialized team with more than 10 years of experience.

We have a wide range of quality products and services, we establish partnerships with the best companies in different business areas, always with the aim of offering the right solutions tailored to each client.

In our online store you will be able to find products from the best brands in the world, with an offer that already includes more than 30 registered brands on all continents.

What makes us different?

Our mission is to create a relationship of trust with our clients from the very first contact. We believe that this is the only way to create a healthy partnership and provide a personalized response to each client.

Our goal is to invest in innovation and differentiation, with a view to helping our customers obtain the best products on the market.

We are a company supported by a team with over 10 years of experience, specializing in the sale of pool products, management of IT resources for game broadcasting, and cutting-edge technology for the evolution of the sport.

We are committed to constantly innovating, as this is the only way to present the best products and provide high-quality consultancy services, ensuring an excellent cost-benefit ratio for our customers.

We tirelessly seek out new products that anticipate our customers' expectations, exploring emerging niches in an increasingly global market, where all technological changes and transformations occur at a pace unparalleled in history.

Communication Channels

Profast Pool is constantly innovating and adapting to new times. It is extremely important for a company like Profast Pool to follow the current trends and be present where our customers and future customers are.

More than following trends, our focus is to be on centralized platforms where it is possible to present the latest news and campaigns, and to ensure that none of our clients miss out on the opportunities that Profast Pool provides.

You can find us on the most famous social networks worldwide, such as Facebook , Instagram , and Whatsapp .

You are not yet one of the hundreds of customers who have already purchased products in our store?

Register your account in our online store and start enjoying a unique service in Portugal.